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How Digital Displays Improve Audience Engagement


Using Digital Signage and Large Displays To Create Memorable Experiences

Does it seem that a digital display is taking over from regular static signs everywhere? If so, it’s because of the tremendous flexibility these displays afford your venue. Whether you run a sports arena, manage a house of worship, or hold events at a large conference center, digital displays give you greater opportunities to keep your audience engaged. Let's cover several ways digital signage, video walls, and other displays can help your Santa Rosa, CA, venue create better experiences for your audiences and constituents. 

Interactive Learning and the Latest Classroom Technology

A man next to a display with photos in the background.

Improving the School Experience

Many schools are jumping on the audiovisual bandwagon, and for good reason. According to EdTech, at least 65% of students are visual learners, which means they tend to think in images, recalling pictures and places. Auditory learners retain the most information by listening. 

Some teachers consider their interactive capabilities even more important. Why? Research shows that our attention spans are shrinking due to an overload of information and constant stimulation from digital devices. The best solution for this increasing problem is interactive learning.

Let's explore how schools in San Mateo and Santa Rosa, CA, create an enhanced learning environment using the latest classroom technology.


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